Photo Corners

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Reviews of photography products that enhance the enjoyment of taking pictures. Published frequently but irregularly.

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30 April 2013

We've just moved our March headlines into our 2013 headline archive to make room for May's heads, keeping this list short and sweet. And at the same time we've organized April's 41 stories on the Archive page, which simulates a monthly magazine for those inclined to visit less frequently.

We've added a top stories ticker to the headlines page. It's that blue bar that highlights what ends up in our Features section on the Archive page. It should make it easier to tell our major stories from smaller items.

And we introduced our Plus sign on headlines to indicate new editorial, comments or both on previous stories.

In addition to six features, we also published reviews of Lightroom 5 beta, Ilford Galerie Prestige fine arts papers and continued our OpticFilm 120 review. In the news department, we covered 16 developments and our six Around The Horn stories covered an additional 24 items.

April's statistics aren't all in yet but we can already see that readership continues to grow in leaps and bounds. We saw tremendous growth in March and April has exceeded even that. The word is getting out, apparently.

Subscribers enjoyed our first free drawing and in May they'll get their hands on a 390-page ebook of tips and techniques. We're just looking it over one last time (or two) before putting it up on our new Benefits page for subscribers.

Speaking of May, we're already working on a handful of stories which should see the light of day before the end of the week.

As always, let us know how we can make this site more useful to you. That, after all, is the big idea.

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