Photo Corners

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'The Greatest Comeback In Sports' Tweet This   Forward This

24 September 2013

Team New Zealand enjoyed a 6-1 and 8-1 lead over Team USA earlier in the 34th America's Cup but today they dock their 72-foot wing-sail catamarans tied 8-8. The winner of the next race will take home the Cup.

Legging It Home. Oracle takes the second race to tie the Cup at eight each.

Whatever happens in that final showdown, some observers are already calling this the greatest comeback in sports. Indeed, if the Kiwis win the next race and the Cup with it, they'll have done so with a 9-10 record against Team America, which was penalized two points at the start. New Zealand, however, led in two other races that were abandoned because of dangerous wind conditions and a time limit.

Kiwis Chase. Great seats on the rocks get you this close to the action.

And still, as Team USA skipper Jimmy Spithill noted in a post-race interview, ""It's not over -- that's the key point here. We've got to finish it off."

We packed a backpack with two cameras and our longest lenses and sat on a rock all afternoon, shooting a couple hundred shots and a movie clip. This is the first time the Cup has been visible from shore and we've made a few trips to our favorite breakwater. Thrilling stuff, with the boats foiling over the bay faster than the wind toward Alcatraz and tacking back to the Golden Gate Bridge before heading east again for the final turn.

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