Photo Corners

A   S C R A P B O O K   O F   S O L U T I O N S   F O R   T H E   P H O T O G R A P H E R

Reviews of photography products that enhance the enjoyment of taking pictures. Published frequently but irregularly.

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24 September 2013

Knowing how to use a printed publication is no mystery: you flip the pages until something catches your eye. Knowing how to use a Web publication like Photo Corners is nearly as simple: you scroll until you find something to click. But we've built in a number of small conveniences to make it more efficient for you to know what we've published, what we've updated and what people say about it.

These little conventions aren't unique to us but it can be easy to forget about them. So we've added them to our About page, where we'll expand them as we provide more features.

Meanwhile, though, we thought we'd publish them here for your convenience.

  • Comments -- To encourage civil discourse, we include a Feedback button at the bottom of each story that addresses an email to the editor with the headline in an email subject field. This most closely resembles the Letters to the Editor feature we most miss about print publications.... Only feedback of interest to our readers in general is published but if you prefer to comment privately, just say so and your wishes will be respected.
  • That + in the Headlines -- When we publish a story, it has no comments. If comments are subsequently added to the story, we put that plus sign in the headline on the headline page. If we update the original text, we also put a plus sign there. To find out what the changes were, just hover over the plus sign and a message will pop up to tell you.... If you want to quickly know what's been updated, just use your browser's Find command to look for a plus sign.
  • Feeds vs. Bookmarks -- We're happy however you decide to remind yourself to come to the site. You can simply just bookmark our home page and drop by every day or so (we've been updating daily).... Or you can subscribe to either of our feeds, which will notify you when we publish something new. Our RSS feed can be tracked by most email software, which can be configured to show either a description of the story or the story itself. Our Twitter feed publishes a link to any new story just after it has been published.
  • Affiliated Links -- To spare readers the nuisance of ads, we have several affiliate relationships with trusted vendors. All of them are low price leaders, so you can be sure of getting the best price for a product when you buy from them. And when you start your shopping on their site from our links, we get a referral fee. When we mention a product, we usually include a link with our code so we are credited when you purchase the product. We do this even if we don't recommend a product.
  • The Archive -- Our archive is built to function like the table of contents of a monthly magazine. At the end of the month, every story we've published is organized by category (Features, News, Editor's Notes, Reviews and Site Notes) to make it easy to catch up on anything you've missed.... Once you've read a story, you can return quickly to that month's contents in the archive just by clicking the 'archive' link at the top of the page.
  • The Headlines -- The home page contains headlines and a brief description of each story. Occasionally an image appears with the description but most stories are illustrated. This way, you can quickly see what's new here and easily read more on any topic.... The home page contains stories from the last two months but at the bottom are links to older headline pages, one for each year. So everything remains accessible even if we don't keep it on the home page after two months.
  • Top Stories Ticker -- The home page also displays a ticker of our top stories just above the first headline. Listing the headlines sometimes obscures the more important features on the site, so we flash them by you in the ticker. Just click on a headline to go to the full story.
  • The Text Search Box -- Our Text Search Box lets you look for any text in any of our stories. Results are reported in context, newest stories first. For tips on searching, see our Tips For Using Text Search.

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