Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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28 September 2015

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention (with more than 140 characters). This time we look at the U.S. visit of Pope Francis, the supermoon eclipse, Live Photos and the disappearance from the Apple Store of Aperture and iPhotos.

  • The Boston Globe takes 54 images to remember Pope Francis' Mission to the U.S. Was a Genovese in a black Fiat ever so beloved?
  • In case you missed it, a Supermoon Eclipse was on display last night, the first time in 30 years. In Red is the new white, Lorenzo Borghi used a Nikon D800 to capture the event and composite an image showing nine states of the eclipse. That will have to hold you until 2033.
  • In Live Photos Are a Gimmick, Jeremy Olson is just kidding. If you're got kids, he writes, they're the bomb. "Sometimes hiding behind a bad photo is a beautiful moment. These moments are elusive. They happen too fast to catch on video. You can't catch them intentionally. The only possible way to catch them is ... accidentally."
  • Juli Clover reports Apple Pulls Older Software From 'Purchased' Tab in Mac App Store. So "it is no longer possible for users to download Aperture, iPhoto, OS X Lion, OS X Mountain Lion and OS X Mavericks from the Mac App Store."
    Update: Some discontinued software had returned to the Purchased tab by the end of the day, according to MacRumors.

More to come...

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