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El Capitan Update: Apple Photos, Adobe Software Share This on LinkedIn   Share This on Google   Tweet This   Forward This

1 October 2015

With the release of Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan yesterday, Apple Photos was also updated. But for those running Adobe software of various vintages, the question was more about compatibility than new features. On our morning surf through the Web, we found a insights into both issues.


The official list of Apple Photos enhancements follow:

  • Editing extensions: Access editing extensions from your favorite app developers directly in the Edit view in Photos. Extensions can be downloaded from the Mac App Store.
  • Improved album sorting: You can sort your albums and the contents inside them by date, title and more.
  • Add and edit image locations: You can apply a location to a single image or to a selection of photos by opening the Info panel and choosing Add a Location.
  • Batch change information: You can now change several titles, descriptions or keywords at once.
  • Batch organize in Faces: Using Faces to organize your photos by your favorite people is even easier -- you can select multiple photos and drag them to a named person in your library.
  • Recently Deleted album: You can access the Recently Deleted album in Albums view and restore or purge deleted items.

In Extensions Big Improvement for El Capitan Photos App, Derrick Story praises the first of those:

The implementation is very smooth. Now, when you edit an image in Photos, there's an additional option in the right side toolbar called Extensions. Click on it, and you'll see a popup menu listing the Extensions you have loaded. Choose one, and your Photos interface transforms into that of the Extension.

Apple has published Edit your photos using third-party extensions in Photos for OS X to explain the process in detail.

To help try out the feature, Jonny Evans lists Six Great Photos Extensions You Can Use Today. Those include BeFuny Express, Intensify, Tonality, Noiseless, Snapheal and Affinity Photo.


Conrad Chavez put the issue bluntly in his blog piece titled OS X 10.11 El Capitan: Will Adobe software work? Fortunately he has some answers too. Here's a quick summary:

You won't run into any surprises if you're upgrading from OS X 10.10 Yosemite, OS X 10.8 Mavericks or even OS 10.8 Mountain Lion, he asserts. "The good news is that upgrading to El Capitan seems to go relatively smoothly for most Adobe software."

If you're running CS2 applications, which are PowerPC code, you'll need to update to Intel versions of your applications to run them on El Capitan.

Adobe has not tested CS3, CS4 and CS5 applications on El Capitan but, Chavez says, they "should run" after you run the Java installer he links to in the story. Apple and Adobe have been pointing fingers at each other over the Java requirement (which Adobe insists is not a requirement but an Apple bug).

Photoshop CS6 may still require the white window workaround plug-in and a Wacom driver update.


More general feedback on the update can be found in the Macintouch El Capitan reader report, including an interesting tip on temporarily disabling System Integrity Protection to configure legacy software.

We haven't nudged our toe over the side of the El Capitan cliff yet but we'll continue to monitor the situation and report more later as developments merit.

Meanwhile feel free to use the Feedback button below to report your own experience.

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