Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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31 December 2015

We celebrated the end of last year by passing out free hugs, a nice trick if you can get away with it. The year before we set up a pint and translated Robert Burns. This year we have once again calculated we are too young to retire.

But how do you keep the music playing?

Well, you just strike up the band. This happens to be Judy's Band. She boards the band here in the studio because she doesn't have room for all of them at home. But whenever she's around, they grind out a tune or two for her.

We thought we'd engage them tonight to help bring in 2016. They've got the right hats, plenty of horn and can play anything we can hum.

We could use a little help winding them, though.

You can, single-handedly, wind up two at a time. But not three. By the time you get the third guy going, the other two are on break.

But with enough bubbly, that can be amusing.

The winding isn't for making noise. They're a marching band. In fact, they march a lot better than they play. That's where the humming comes in.

But tonight is special. So we had them do a cover version of Frank C. Stanley singing Auld Lang Syne published by the Columbia Phonograph Company in 1910 (courtesy of the UCSB Cylinder Audio Archive).

Happy New Year!

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