Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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22 December 2016

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention (with more than 140 characters). This time we look at choosing pictures of the year, owl photography, a personal project and Aleppo (with a profile of Steve Kerr tossed in, too).

  • The New York Times has just published The Year In Pictures 2016 but you might enjoy James Estrin's interview with Jeffrey Henson about Choosing the New York Times Pictures of the Year just as much.
  • In Let a Pro Teach You How to Take Great Owl Photos, Paul Bannick reveals what he's learned over a decade photographing owls in the wild. "As I shoot more and more," he says, "I shoot further and further away from the subject and I've realized my photography is getting better because I'm able to get more behavior and integrate more of the environment."
  • In The Art of the Personal Project: Joe Pugliese, Suzanne Sease presents Pugliese's Sunday Best series of a Los Angeles Baptist community. "I was aiming to photograph about two dozen subjects to be able to edit from and ended up, to my surprise, photographing over 150 subjects all in one morning," he says. "The interactions were authentic and filled with energy and I directed each subject very loosely and had a great time engaging with each of them."
  • In Aleppo Before the War, Alan Taylor presents 25 photos of the ancient city before it was ravaged, including some before-and-after images. Can't leave you with that, though. On a brighter note, see Tragedy Made Steve Kerr See the World Beyond the Court, a beautifully illustrated and unusually profound profile of the Golden State Warrior coach.

BTW, fans of our Scanning Polachrome feature will appreciate the explanation of the problem by Andrew Roos just added to the Comments section.

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...

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