Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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25 April 2019

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Hamburger Eyes, Cristina Coral, Euan Myles, racial bias, the Instagram aesthetic, optimizing focus again, sensors explained, Luminar 3.1.0 and an Illustrator sneak preview.

  • Miss Rosen is Looking at San Francisco Through Hamburger Eyes, which, she writes, "elevated the photo zine into a work of art."
  • Stephanie Wade finds An Alternative Perspective on Suburban Life in the images of Italian photographer Cristina Coral. "The images are graceful yet perplexing, challenging the viewer's understanding of Coral's version of suburbia, one that is fragmented as if in a dream," Wade writes.
  • Tim Jonze presents Euan Myles's Best Photograph. It's a photograph of Nigel Moon having lunch in the 18th-century mill he took 10 years restoring. "He's managed to carve out what many of us lack in life: contentment," Myles says.
  • Sarah Lewis explores The Racial Bias Built Into Photography. Lewis argues, "By categorizing light skin as the norm and other skin tones as needing special corrective care, photography has altered how we interact with each other without us realizing it." Aundre Larrow provides 10 Tips for Photographing Darker Skin Tones.
  • Taylor Lorenz argues The Instagram Aesthetic Is Over. Because, you know, there's a new generation of kids out there. "For my generation, people are more willing to be who they are and not make up a fake identity," 22-year-old Reese Blutstein says. "We are trying to show a real person doing cool things as a real person, not trying to create a persona that isn't actually you."
  • In Optimizing Aperture and Focus Distance, Another Example, Jim Kasson finds an image that can't be captured in focus with one shot.
  • In CMOS Sensors Explained, Jason Row compares CMOS to CCD sensors to show why CMOS sensors are in most of the devices we use.
  • Skylum has released Luminar 3.1.0. And Derrick story provides a discount code with his brief overview of the new features.
  • In an Illustrator Sneak Preview, Wayne Hoang shows how you'll be able to "to extract a color palette from any image or photograph in your collection and apply that color palette onto your artwork."

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...

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