Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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15 May 2019

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at the Nikon D1, cats, Adobe Flat Field, forum discourse, Alistair Taylor-Young, a lighting lesson, Robert Vanelli, unauthorized versions, open source, software and insurance.

  • Blair Bunting describes what it's like to shoot with a Nikon D1 these days. "It is one of the hardest cameras I have ever used, and its capabilities are extremely limited, but for some reason, I can't help but love every second of using the D1," he writes. And his images of freight trains show why.
  • In Free to Use and Reuse: Cats, the Library of Congress has curated images of cats found in the Library's collections.
  • Sean Reid does a deep dive into Adobe Flat Field for Lightroom Classic. "What Adobe has done by integrating the tool into Lightroom Classic, as a standard feature, is to streamline the process of using it," he writes. "With a little bit of practice and familiarity, it is quite simple to work with." Reid Reviews is a subscriber-supported publication but this particular article is outside the paywall.
  • In explaining why he is Stepping Back From a Forum, Jim Kasson describes what a forum should be. It's also a fine lesson on comportment in public discourse.
  • Heidi Volpe interviews Alistair Taylor-Young: Fashion and Landscape Photographer/Director. "I understood that my landscapes should not necessary to be representative of the place -- we have post cards, brochures and guide books for this -- but should represent my personal feeling of where I've ended up," he says.
  • In A Big Source! With a Twist!, Joe McNally reminds us, "The bigger the source, the softer the light."
  • Robert Vanelli asks, Are You a Photographer, Retoucher or Graphic Artist? "You can be all three," he writes. "But, for each discipline, you need to do it right."
  • As part of its effort to circumvent copyright issues with Dolby, Adobe has posted utilities to Remove Unauthorized Apps and Packages, although a few must still be removed manually. The page includes a list of which versions are authorized and which are not. But, interestingly, it seems directed only to enterprise users, not individuals.
  • Matt Asay explains How and Why Adobe Is Making Open Source a Strategic Priority after its acquisition of Magento. It both relies on open source and contributes to it as the 14th largest corporate open source contributor.
  • On a related note, Paul Ford talks about Why I (Still) Love Tech: In Defense of a Difficult Industry. If you dabble, this will resonate -- particularly if you've been dabbling for decades.
  • Greenberg & Reznicki tease, Have You Heard the One About the Vase and the Photographer? It's about insurance because like a hospital gown, insurance policies don't cover you as much as you think.

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...

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