Photo Corners

A   S C R A P B O O K   O F   S O L U T I O N S   F O R   T H E   P H O T O G R A P H E R

Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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1 July 2019

We've just archived Volume 8 Number 6 of Photo Corners on the Archive page with 18 Features, 39 commented News stories, 25 Editor's Notes (which included 179 items of interest), three reviews and one site note for a total of 86 stories.

Of that total, 41 stories included images for a total of 170 images published in June. And we also published six stories with gear specification tables.

READERSHIP LEVELS were surprisingly up for the first month of vacation. They continued a seven-month upward trend (interpolating for the missing report days earlier this year).

Visits hit an all-time high as pages service (actual stories) were three-quarters of a million.

As usual we're a day short of a full month of data as we write this but visits hit an all-time high as pages service (actual stories) were three-quarters of a million. Pretty healthy.

You might not think so judging from the rare Feedback we publish. But 1) we require an email address for any comment and 2) we only publish comments of general interest. That keeps Feedback down to a Letters-to-the-Editor size, which (as a one-man band) we find helpful. We consequently publish very few emails we get as Feedback although we welcome and respond to every one of them.

OUR TOP STORIES were closely packed together (probably with a lot of bumping down the stretch). The photo finish showed Sony's new telephoto lenses took top honors over the opening of Sony's World Photography Awards.

Canon wasn't far behind with its megaprinters announcement. But the top five was rounded out by two Around The Horn pieces. That's our way of keeping you up-to-date on what's going on in photography (a Dave Pell-inspired curation) so it's always gratifying to see it's appreciated.

ON THE SITE FRONT, we began updating the site automatically using a set of Keyboard Maestro scripts that call the Unix curl utility to copy files from our local test site to the server.

We'd been doing that manually but this month everything was uploaded by script, a few of which were even scheduled.

There's more to this than meets the eye on a complex site like ours but we like the challenge. And a good thing that is for us.

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