Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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3 July 2019

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Irene Tondelli, David Bergman, Joe McNally, Abhishek Joshi, monopods, fireworks, Luminar 3.1.2 and a Frontier rental fee.

  • Rosie Flanagan presents the work of Italian photographer Irene Tondelli from her series Rocks Talk shot in the Scottish Highlands. "I am sure that rocks have a soul," Tondelli says. "Sometimes, I could nearly hear them talk." Probably complaining about not seeing their "best side."
  • David Bergman, who has shot "over 1,000 concerts," uses Remote Cameras for Concert Photography. Covering sports gave him the idea.
  • Joe McNally goes Into the Woods With Lastolite to light a video shoot. But a still from a Nikon Z 6 and a Nikon D850 illustrate the story.
  • Heidi Volpe interviews Abhishek Joshi about his recent fashion shoot at the golden hour for Contributor Magazine. "My idea was to bring the characters alive in an uneventful, humdrum summer setup and let the characters be a part of the surroundings," he says.
  • Dahlia Ambrose provides some advice on How and When to Use a Monopod.
  • Daven Mathies updates the annual advice about How to Photograph Fireworks and Capture the Colors of Independence Day with new tips for setting ISO and using smartphones. And that old one about turning off the flash, of course.
  • Skylum has released Luminar 3.1.2 with a new feature called "On This Day" which show you the pictures you took on this day exactly one or more years ago.
  • Jon Brodkin reports on a Frontier rental fee charged even to customers who own their own router. To cover support costs, the company argues. Frontier purchased Verizon's wireline networks in Texas, California, and Florida in 2016 and some customers kept the routers they'd purchased to avoid Verizon's rental fee. "I have continued to call Frontier and was repeatedly assured that the fees will be taken off my bill," Rich Son, one such customer, said.

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...

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