Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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26 July 2019

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at 2019 iPhone Photography Awards, Tour De France fans, Harold Davis, "that", adapter mount format filters, Pixelmator Pro 1.4 extension, long exposures and Google's Gallery Go.

  • The winners of the 2019 iPhone Photography Awards have been announced. "The Grand Prize Winner and Photographer of the Year Award goes to Gabriella Cigliano of Italy for her entry Big Sister. First, Second and Third Place Photographers of the Year Awards go to Diogo Lage of Portugal for his image Sea Stripes, Yuliya Ibraeva of Russia for her entry of Sorry, no movie today and Peng Hao of China for his image Come Across."
  • Waiting for the Peloton: Tour De France Fans includes images from several sources of the hordes assembling along the roads from Brussels to the Alps to catch a glimpse of the cyclists.
  • While Harold Davis's Mallow and Friends caught our eye, his earlier take on The Story of a Cactus Flower was the kind of adventure we've been having in our windy garden. Swash-buckling, hand-held macro shooting to the death, in short.
  • After the Sony RX100 Mark VII announcement, Thom Hogan wonders, Do You Need 'That' to Be Better? "That" could be any of the "iterations" masquerading as "innovations" in any new hardware announcement. Well? "If not, keep shooting with what you've got and put the money you didn't spend into savings," he recommends.
  • Aurora Aperture has launched a Kickstarter project for its Adapter Mount Format Filters for Mirrorless Cameras. By putting a drop-in filter slot on a mirrorless lens adapter, you can use one filter on any lens to attach to the adapter. You don't need a different filter size for each lens with a different filter thread. You'll still need a screw-in polarizer, though.
  • In Pixelmator Pro 1.4 Supercharges the Photos Workflow, Derrick Story gives the new release a try in Apple Photos. Verdict: "It has an abundance of features, integrates seamlessly into the iCloud workflow and is affordable. I love it."
  • Rob Wood collected 21 Long Exposure Photography Examples to inspire you. But you'll need a tripod.
  • John Nack reports One Billion+ People Now Use Google Photos Every Month. He also points out Gallery Go, the company's 10-MB off-line photo app "that uses machine learning to automatically organize and make your photos look their best."

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...

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