Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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2 December 2019

We've just archived Volume 8 Number 11 of Photo Corners on the Archive page with 20 Features, 24 commented News stories, 26 Editor's Notes (which included 162 items of interest), five reviews and one site note for a total of 76 stories.

Among those were also 35 stories with 229 total images, four obituaries and five stories with gear specifications.

READERSHIP figures showed the most unique site visitors we've had in the last 12 months. And considering we've cut back Google indexing significantly, that's readers, not bots.

Visits by those readers were up significantly, too, with an increase of 122 percent.

Visits by those readers were up significantly, too, with an increase of 122 percent. And, yes, for once these are final figures, since we're looking at them on Dec. 1.

OUR TOP STORIES were led by the Datacolor series. The first piece in the series was the most popular but it has also been up longer. We published two other pieces in the series with reviews of a three more products on their way soon.

We've pointed out before that the lower scoring stories are all the most recently published. Typically a story only reaches 25 percent of its 30-day audience the first few days.

But we were surprised to find how many of our stories last month were bunched together. Some 65 percent of them were within shouting distance of each other, making a top five listing a bit unrepresentative.

Ampng those, we had some interesting matinees, none more interesting than Reuben Wu's Trip to Bolivia. And among our slide shows, we have to point out that our restoration of a A 1950s Ukulele has been not only successful but a very happy experience.

WE NOTE WITH SADNESS that it was a particularly hard month for obituaries with the passing of Robert Freeman, Terry O'Neill, Michael Putland and Stuart Heydinger.

Their stories continue to inspire us as, we hope, they do you.

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