Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

The Culture of Undo Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

21 March 2024

We are among the legions who rely on the miraculous powers of Z to undo what silly thing we have just done and return us to a prior, more stable state.

Undo. iPhone 15 Pro Max back triple camera at 15.7mm, f2.8, 1/259 seconds and ISO 50. Processed in Adobe Camera Raw.

We hit that key chord a lot writing these articles. But we also tap it when we are writing software.

And sometimes, we confess we even plan to use it, trying out something we know we will be able to undo with a keystroke.

Even when we have to hit that key chord several times in a row to get back to what we want.

Chatty people no doubt hit the space bar more than Z. And scrupulous people must prefer the key. But creatives are Z people.

We go out on a limb secure in the knowledge we can get two feet back on the ground merely by undoing what risky thing we have done.

We're not sure why someone would make a license plate of Undo (what does that say about their driving?) but we were glad to see it on the street the other day. We felt an instant affinity.

The only thing that would have been better would have been seeing it on a Datsun Z.

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